Booklet 1: Section IV, Question 1
Task: Write a news report based on the headline and picture on the next page.
- You will have to make up the facts and information, answering some or all of the following questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?
- You must relate your newspaper report to both the headline and the picture.
This writing task is scored for both Topic Development and Conventions (grammar, punctuation, etc.) using two separate rubrics.
Rubric: Topic Development
Code |
Descriptor |
10 |
- The response is related to headline and/or photo but is not a news report, OR
- The response is a news report related to the headline and/or photo. It identifies an event, but provides no supporting details, or provides details that are unrelated to the event. There is no evidence of organization.
20 |
- The response is related to headline and/or photo but only partly in the form of a news report, OR
- The response is a news report related to the headline and/or photo, but the focus on an event is unclear or inconsistent. There are insufficient supporting details: too few or repetitious. There is limited evidence of organization.
30 |
- The response is a news report related to the headline and photo with a clear focus on an event. There are insufficient and/or vague supporting details or the connection of the details to the event is not always clear. There is evidence of organization, but lapses distract from the overall communication.
40 |
- The response is a news report related to the headline and photo with a clear and consistent focus on an event. There are sufficient supporting details, however, only some are specific. The organization is mechanical and any lapses do not distract from the overall communication.
50 |
- The response is a news report related to the headline and photo with a clear and consistent focus on an event. There are sufficient specific supporting details to develop the news report. The organization is logical.
60 |
- The response is a news report related to the headline and photo with a clear and consistent focus on an event. There are sufficient specific supporting details, which are thoughtfully chosen to develop the news report. The organization is coherent demonstrating a thoughtful progression of ideas.
Rubric: Use of Conventions
Code |
Descriptor |
10 |
- There is insufficient evidence to assess the use of conventions, OR
- Errors in conventions interfere with communication.
20 |
- Errors in conventions distract from communication.
30 |
- Errors in conventions do not distract from communication.
40 |
- Control of conventions is evident in written work.